EPI(主催:Rush kept)は、スマブラを愛する有志が集まり開催する、
The EPI (hosted by Rush kept) is an offline Smash Bros. tournament held by a group of Smash Bros fans.
The EPI is an offline Smash Bros. tournament where 32 top players from Kanto are invited to compete for the top prize.
Here we begin our Smash Bros ultimate DEATH GAME….
そしてWINNER!の激闘を制した Last Challenger (最後1枠の選手)を迎え、
Day1 - Day4それぞれ8名がダブルエリミネーション形式の予選を闘います。
This EPI2 is upgraded from the 1st EPI.
In addition to the invited players who are based in Kanto, there will be 3 guests from Kansai (western Japan) and the last challenger who won the Last Chance Qualifier at WINNER!.
Each of the 8 players from Day 1 to Day 4 will battle it out.
3 winners from each day x 4 days, 12 players in total, will get to play for the title of the Best in the “East".